Monday, September 29, 2008

Snark Attacks: Heroes 303 (One of Us, One of Them)

This post contains SPOILERS regarding season 3's episode One of Us, One of Them, which aired in the US on September 29, 2008.

Prior to this week's ep, I came up with a loony theory regarding Tranessica: multiple "clones" (or septuplets, or something similar) that sorta share a consciousness. When one dies, the others absorb the dying one's consciousness and powers. (Or maybe only one does, like the closest one.) Presumably, Niki absorbed Jessica when Jessica died... Perhaps Gina died offscreen and Niki absorbed her. Perhaps "Tracy" absorbed Niki when she died in the explosion.


Hah, Sylar looks about as freaked out as we did to find out MamaP is his mom. I can't imagine who in the hell is his father...

Bye, Bridget. Nice knowing you! (For 5 seconds.) MamaP must keep a supply of Bridgets around for just such an I-Must-Feed-The-Long-Lost-Son-Emergency(tm).

Hmm, since the Heroes Main Character Gene Pool seems limited, I'll bet we find out that Tranessica is related to Claire's mom. (But they'll probably save that for season 4.)


I see that Zombie Nathan has a door of +20 To Summon Dark Peter.


Ok, there's a baddie who shoots blue fire (we saw that last episode). What are the odds that he's going to get into a showdown with Claire's Biomom?


OMG, having Sylar out there catching baddies is just SICK.


Ha ha ha, they tried to make us think that Claire's Biomom was Lyle's Biomom, too.

Meredith: I think what Claire is trying to say is that when you're like us...
Mrs. Bennett: STFU NOOB!


OMG, Sylar is just MISUNDERSTOOD and needs STRUCTURE. *slaps forehead* Of course! Why didn't they think of that in season 1?


"What kind of overconfident nemesis are you?" Roffle.

Queue Haitian sighting in 3...2...1...


Mr. The German, don't taunt the Fear Demon. It's just... tacky.

I wonder if that bank is a WaMu.


Matt is tired of walking. Poor Matt.

Matt has an obsessed fan! Poor Matt.


Hmm, I wonder who "the guy" is whom Daphne works for. Hmm... Adam? Phantom Linderman? Horny Mohinder? Zombie Nathan? Bob (before he died)?


What a bizarre scene with HRG and Sylar. (That's the one where Sylar is telling the cops to bring them coffee.)


Oooooh! Tracy and Niki were born on the same day in the same hospital! My clone theory has merit!! :D :D :D


So, what are the odds that Dark Peter is actually Peter? (And not someone pretending to be Peter?)


Claire and Meredith: Girls Gone Wild.


Queue Sylar rescuing Noah in 3...2...1...

Whoa. Noah used reverse psychology on Sylar. They're such a cute team. They're like Riggs and Murtaugh. Starsky and Hutch. Crockett and Tubbs...

Oh, FFS. Sylar's about to kill one of them.


Dr. Zimmerman CREATED Tracy? CLONES!! CLONES!! Damn, I wish I'd posted my theory prior to the episode's airing.



Ugh, Hiro and Ando are on level 5?

HEY, Claire's not going to a cheerleader sleepover!


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